Yoga & Music Retreat wirh Anastasia Biliri & Glafkos Smarianakis

Α Transition into Autumn

As the new school year begins, we invite you to the retreat that we will hold in Messinian Mani, in a beautiful place in front of the sea from Thursday 26 to Sunday 29 September. 

The purpose of this retreat is to return to ourselves and our center as well as to activate the body at all levels after the summer break.

The retreat will be hosted by the Ryza Project, a project of Anastasia Biliri and Glafkos Smarianakis, which began 8 years ago, and has fermented over time into a wonderful inner journey using yoga practices and music as tools, infused with the love and passion each has for the art they practice. Anastasia will lead the practices of Hatha Yoga (dynamic and gentle/yin asana, pranayama, shatkarmas), Raja Yoga (meditation and pratyahara), Nada Yoga (Yoga of sound) and Bhakti Yoga (mantra recitation and kirtan/yogic singing). Glaukos, will accompany the classes with his violin, lute, soundscapes and his beautiful voice, and will take us on a journey through a continuous improvisation of melodies from Western and Eastern traditions.

We will have with us Athanasios Baxevanos Ramdarshi who will take over together with Anastasia the part of Shaktkarmas and Havan.

The retreat will take place in Polas, in a peaceful olive grove just 2.5 hours from Athens, spread over 6.5 acres of cultivated land, with an unobstructed view of the sea of the Messinian Gulf, which is only 400 m away. Traditional cobbled streets, stone guesthouses with Maniattic influences and Mediterranean gardens, as well as a lovely sea front hall, all designed with care and attention to detail.

In this magical landscape, traditional Yoga practices mingle within us with world music. Sound has an incredible ability to awaken the idle mind and center the hyperactive one. The emotions it can bring out in combination with movement, mantras and breath can be a wonderful canvas for observation, inquiry, transformation and catharsis.

Our retreat will include a combination of introversion and extroversion. Aphonia and personal time of rest and relaxation, but also walks in nature and at the sea, socializing, beautiful meals and evening documentaries in the summer cinema on site.

The meals in the POLAS kitchen are based on traditional Mediterranean recipes, all organic, local and seasonal and come mainly from the farm's garden or from local producers.

Come and share this special 4 days! Music and yoga may have the same purpose. To create a powerful change in one's state of mind. To transform and uplift. Something magical happens when, with subtlety and sensitivity, these two come together.

Students of all levels are welcome. Some practices will be more dynamic, but always with an emphasis on respecting each person's limitations and any injuries. Participation in the classes and activities is optional. 

* Information for Ryza Project:

* Information for POLAS:



14:00 - Arrivals
18:30 - 20:15 Welcome & Practice with music
20:30 Dinner
21:30-22:00 Evening Meditation

Opening Mauna (silence)
06:30- 07:30 Morning Recitation mantra
07:30- 10:00 Asana with accompanying music
10:00- 10:30 Pranayama and guided meditation
10:30- 11:30 Kirtan
End of Mauna (silence)
11:30 Brunch & Free time (rest, reading, hiking, etc.)

15:00 - 17:00 Sea walk & Recitation mantra
17:30 - 19:30 Yin Yoga with music & Yoga Nidra
20:00 Dinner
21:00-22:00 Havan (fire ritual with mantra)
Start of Mauna (silence)

6:15-8:00 Shatkarmas: Neti, Kunjal & Laghoo Shankhaprakshalana (nasal cleansing and bowel/stomach cleansing)
08:00- 08:30 Salutation to the sun with mantra and visualization
08:30- 11:00 Asana with accompanying music
11:00- 11:30: Meditation & kirtan
End of Mauna (silence)
12:00 Brunch & Free time (rest, reading, hiking, etc.)


15:00-17:00 Optional activity (mindful drawing or mindful archery or hiking) by POLAS team
17:00 - 19:30: Nada Yoga (Yoga of Sound) & Yoga Nidra
20:00 Dinner
21:00 Documentary on yoga in the POLAS summer cinema

Opening Mauna (silence)
06:30- 07:15 Pranayama and guided meditation
07:15- 08:00 Salutation to the sun with harmonium/violin and vedic mantras
08:00- 11:00 Asana with music
11:00- 11:30: Meditation & kirtan
End of Mauna (silence)
12:00 Brunch
Departure until17:00



(Total tour cost - includes 3 nights accommodation, all meals -3 brunch & 3 dinners-, Yoga classes)

For 3 nights
- Early Bird (Bookings until 28/6): 360 euros
- Late Bird (Bookings from 29/6): 390 euros

- Early Bird (Bookings until 28/6): 285 euros
- Late Bird (Bookings from 29/6): 315 euros

* It is possible to arrive on Friday, although it will be a much more complete experience to be able to attend the whole retreat.

For 2 nights
- Early Bird (Bookings until 28/6): 295 euros
- Late Bird (Bookings from 29/6): 325 euros

- Early Bird (Bookings until 28/6): 245 euros
- Late Bird (Bookings from 29/6): 275 euros


➵ Accommodation is in double or triple rooms, which are mainly independent stone guesthouses with private courtyards.

➵ If you choose to stay in a tent, you will need to bring your own tent.